Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Program - Compatible with PCs only

  1. To make a gap-fill exercise
  2. To insert a gap-fill exercise into a pre-existing document
  3. To produce a hard copy (rtf document) gap-fill exercise
  4. To produce a gap-fill exercise in html format
  5. To produce an interactive online JMatch or JCloze gap-fill exercise
  6. To add a new word to the database
  7. To add a new sentence to the database
  8. To remove the numbers showing how many times a sentence has been used
  9. To create an exercise where words are chosen at random
  10. To open a different database file
  11. Other buttons
  12. To find discussion questions, proverbs, quotations, find someone who... questions, etc.

The upper part of the screen of Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher is used to select words and sentences, or to add, delete, or edit words and sentences. The lower part of the screen shows the sentences that have been selected for an exercise, and gives the user various options:
1) use the clipboard key to paste an exercise into a pre-existing document;
2) use the HTML key to
3) use the RTF (rich text format) key to create an exercise as a paper document;
4) use the JMatch or JCloze keys to create an interactive web-based exercise.
See the Screenshot


A. To make a gap-fill exercise

1. Click the cursor in the WORDS column on the left side of the screen and type the word you wish to select - it will appear automatically, using a feature called type-ahead. (Using type-ahead is much easier than using the scrollbar on the right to try to find the word.)

2. When the word appears, choose the sentence you wish to use by clicking on it.
3. Click on the Use button below the sentences window, to put the sentence into the output screen.

5. To choose the options you want, check off the boxes as follows:

You are now ready to produce your vocabulary exercise - follow the instruction in B below to produce an exercise in the form of a paper document, C to insert a gap-fill exercise into a pre-existing document, or D to create for an interactive web-based exercise.

The following screenshot shows the principle features of the program.


B. To insert a gap-fill exercise into a pre-existing document

  1. Click on the Clipboard button.
  2. Open the document in which you wish to insert the gapfill exercise and select edit / paste from the document file menu.

C. To produce a hard copy (rtf document) gap-fill exercise

    1. Click on the RTF (rich text format) button.
    2. Give a name to the exercise and click on Save.
    3. Click on Yes to open the file.
    4. Give the exercise a title (Ex. Vocabulary Review Exercise #2)
    5. Print your exercise.


D. To produce a gap-fill exercise in html format

    1. Click on the HTML button.
    2. Follow instructions as above.


E. To produce an interactive online JMatch or JCloze gap-fill exercise

In order to do this, you must have the Hot Potatoes suite installed on your computer.
Hot Potatoes is freeware and can be obtained by downloading it from their website.

  1. Click on the button that reads JMatch or JCloze.
  2. Give a name to the exercise and click on Save.
  3. Click on Yes to open the file.
  4. Give a title to the exercise and click on the save icon.
  5. To open the exercise, go to file / create web page / make your selection.


F. To add a new word to the database

  1. Click on the New Word button below the WORDS column.
  2. Type the new word into the box and click OK.


G. To add a new sentence to the database

  1. In the Words column, click on the word that you want to add a sentence for.
  2. Click on the New Sentence button.
  3. Type the new sentence into the box, using square [brackets] for the target word and click OK.


H. To remove the numbers showing how many times a sentence has been used

  1. Click on Sentences in the menu bar at the top of the program.
  2. Choose the option Zero all used values
  3. Click on Yes


I. To create an exercise where words are chosen at random

  1. Click on the random output button .
  2. Select the options available as appropriate.
  3. You can also produce this type of exercise by going to output in the menu and choosing random output.


J. To open a different database file

In order to access different database files, including the American, British or Canadian English files, click on the file option at the top of the program interface and select Open.

Next, click on db in order to see the different files available.

Finally, select the database file you wish to use. Repeat the above process to work variously with the different files.

If you cannot find these files, you have probably been taken to the wrong folder.
Go to Program Files on your C: drive, and find the folder entitled GerryVoc.

K. Other buttons

The buttons marked delete, edit, and clear are for deleting sentences or words, editing sentences, and clearing the output box of all sentences.

L. To find discussion questions, proverbs, quotations, "find someone who..." questions, etc.

All the discussion questions, proverbs, etc. are located within the entry for the given keyword. They are usually among the last sentences listed in the keyword collection of sentences. Just move down through the list of sentences by using the scroll button to find them.