Pricing, Ordering & Licensing - Available for PC only !
When you place an order for Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher, we will send you a username and key upon verification of the purchase. New users register by entering the username and key into the Register screen, found in the Help file of the program. When you register as an authorized user, it will instantly enable the entire program.
To purchase a single-user licence or multiple seats for Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher, click on the Add to Cart buttons below and follow the instructions. Please note that all prices are quoted in American dollars.
After you have placed your order, you will receive an email from PayPal confirming your purchase. A username and key to register your program will be sent to you shortly thereafter, usually within one business day.
Note: Prices shown are a ONE TIME cost, not an annual fee. In addition, any future updates may be downloaded free of charge to registered users.
Methods of Payment
CPR4ESL accepts payment with all major credit cards, eChecks and bank transfers, through PayPal. Please note that it is not necessary to have a PayPal account in order to make your purchases using PayPal.
The following prices refer to online purchases only. To pay by cheque or money order, please e-mail us for details on exact pricing.
Additional Seats
You can purchase additional seats by simply clicking on the Add to Cart button once for each copy you wish to order.
Institutional Orders
Schools, colleges and universities often require multi-user licences for software, and we provide a reduced rate, depending on the number of seats purchased. Institutions must purchase one single-user registration at a cost of US$50 - additional seats are priced according to the number of seats required, as shown below.
What is a seat?
Multi-user licences are based around "seats" - a seat is an additional user licence for a full copy of the program. For example, if an institution purchases the program with a licence which allows 25 instructors to use the program, one full licence is ordered, at a cost of $50, and 24 additional seats are purchased at a cost of $25 per seat, for a total cost of $650.
Please note that licences must be purchased for teachers to use the program, but are not required for the students who do the exercises which their instructors have created using the program.
Institutions may purchase multiple seats at the following rates:
Please Note:
Prices quoted below are for ADDITIONAL seats purchased in
addition to the single-user registration seat at a cost of US$50.
Note: Prices shown are a ONE TIME cost; not an annual fee. In addition, any future updates may be downloaded free of charge to registered users.
Can Teachers Use the Program from Home?
Yes! Recognizing that many instructors prepare lessons both at home and at work, our licensing policy allows the user to download the program onto both a work computer and a home computer. However, this policy comes with the following expectations:
1. The institution will ensure that the number of users of the program does not exceed the number of seats.
2. Users will only install and use the program on a home computer to do work for the institution which has purchased the licence. If an instructor wishes to use the program when preparing lessons for a class at a different institution, the teacher should purchase his/her own copy of the program, or better yet, convince that institution to purchase a licence.
Payment by Cheque / Check
Due to additional costs incurred by alternate payment methods, payment method can affect pricing. If you cannot pay using a credit card, we will accept cheques in most currencies. However, this may result in a transaction charge. Please contact us to discuss any alternate payment method (personal cheques, certified bank cheques, money orders) you wish to make.
Privacy Policy
CPR4ESL and Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher will keep private any information which you give us for the purpose of purchasing our ESL resources. In addition, all such information is encrypted before being transmitted across the Internet. We will never give or sell that information to any other individual or company.
Free Demo
You can download and install an evaluation copy of Gerry's Vocabulary Teacher free of charge by clicking here. The demo allows you to see all the data contained within the program, and is a fully-functioning program, but with two limitations:
1) It will only create an exercise with 5 sentences or fewer.
2) It will only allow you to use sentences from keywords starting with letters from the first half of the alphabet.